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How a Locksmith Can Secure Your Home

Home security is a super important subject. No one wants to face the prospect of having their home invaded by intruders. This blog is here to bring some info about how a locksmith can help you to secure your home. We will be looking at subjects such as installing deadbolt locks, security doors, and fire-proof safes. We will also be looking at key technology which can help you to keep your property secure. While we aren't experts when it comes to this subject, we have done a tonne of research into this topic. We hope you enjoy reading this blog!


5 Pieces of Information You Should Be Ready to Give a Locksmith

25 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

A locksmith can help you get into — or out of — your home in an emergency. But before you call a locksmith out, you need to prepare some information. Even if they don't ask for the information over the phone, you can still help them solve your problem more quickly and efficiently by having as much information available as possible. When you need a locksmith, make sure you have the following information available for them when they arrive. Read More …

What Role Do Commercial Locksmiths Play in Business Security?

14 April 2020
 Categories: , Blog

You might need a commercial locksmith for something as run as the mill as providing you with a new set of keys for your business. This happens all the time when multiple key holders are working at the same place. Sometimes, they are mislaid and need to be reproduced and sometimes people leave your employ without remembering to return your keys to you — something that often happens when staff members are fired. Read More …

Taking the Pain Out of Lost Car Keys

24 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Modern car keys do a lot more than just open the door and turn on the ignition — they communicate with your car's onboard computer to let it know that it's safe to start. Transponder keys have done a lot to prevent theft, but they are more costly and time-consuming to replace than older keys. Automotive key replacement can cost hundreds of dollars and see your car taken off the road for a day or more. Read More …

4 Tips For Installing Security Sensors In Your Home

19 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Sensors are a critical piece of any home security system. They're the workhorses that detect unauthorised access to various parts of your home. In most cases, sensors are placed on windows and doors to transmit signals because they can detect movement when the entryway is compromised. The working principle As important as sensors are, many homeowners don't understand how they work. Sensors consist of a magnet and detector. These two components create a complete electrical circuit on either end of an opening (such as a doorway or window). Read More …

3 Reasons to Keep a Commercial Locksmith in Your Contacts

17 March 2020
 Categories: , Blog

A commercial locksmith is one of the most important contacts you need to keep on your phone even after they complete your original order. Your company's security is vital, and keeping all of those systems working like clockwork will sometimes require a little expert help. Knowing who to call when a problem arises could be vital in keeping your company working smoothly. It is well known that time is money, and the less time you need to fix a problem the more you will have to focus on other, more profitable areas of your job. Read More …