5 Pieces of Information You Should Be Ready to Give a Locksmith

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How a Locksmith Can Secure Your Home

Home security is a super important subject. No one wants to face the prospect of having their home invaded by intruders. This blog is here to bring some info about how a locksmith can help you to secure your home. We will be looking at subjects such as installing deadbolt locks, security doors, and fire-proof safes. We will also be looking at key technology which can help you to keep your property secure. While we aren't experts when it comes to this subject, we have done a tonne of research into this topic. We hope you enjoy reading this blog!


5 Pieces of Information You Should Be Ready to Give a Locksmith

25 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

A locksmith can help you get into — or out of — your home in an emergency. But before you call a locksmith out, you need to prepare some information. Even if they don't ask for the information over the phone, you can still help them solve your problem more quickly and efficiently by having as much information available as possible.

When you need a locksmith, make sure you have the following information available for them when they arrive.

1. Proof of Identity

You'll need to have photo ID ready if you want a certified locksmith to help you gain access to a car or property. Without photo ID to prove that you are the owner or resident, most locksmiths won't take your job on.

If you have locked your ID in your home or car, or it is somewhere else, try asking a neighbour to vouch for you. But this will only be applicable in some situations.

2. Number of Locks

If your locksmith will need to bypass several locks to gain access to your home, have this information ready for them when they arrive. For instance, if your deadbolt and entry lock are both engaged, tell your locksmith. Preferably, tell them this information on the phone.

3. Brand of Lock

The brand name of the lock in question is also very important. Locksmiths know their brands and how each brand and type of lock works. Some lock brands are easier to pick than others are, for instance.

4. Possible Entry Points

In some situations, such as when a locksmith might need to damage a lock to gain entry, you will need to inform your locksmith of other potential access points. If another, simpler access point is available, then your locksmith can pick the lock on that point instead of drilling your front door lock. This would save both time and money.

5. Condition and Location of Your Key

Where is your key? Is it locked inside your house? This is very important information too because if your key is the cause of the lockout, then your locksmith might not even need to pick the lock. However, if your lock is faulty, and your key no longer works, your locksmith will change or repair the lock to help you gain entry.

If you need a locksmith, make sure you have the above information available before they arrive. Otherwise, your lockout problem might take longer for them to solve. Contact a local locksmith for more information.